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General questions Specific questions for Android

General questions

  • How to use the Baby Monitor & Alarm application?
  • Just put your phone near to your baby and press the Start button. Based on your settings, the phone will work as a Baby Monitor - it will call you when your baby becomes noisy, or it will just record the noise in the room without making a call.
  • How far should the phone be from my baby?
  • The microphone of the phone is quite sensitive so that it is not necessary to place it too close - 1,5 to 2 meters from your baby is the ideal distance.
  • It is useful, that your application is recording all the noise in a room, so that I can replay it later. But I want to save this recording to my computer!
  • Yes, this is possible! In the Activity Log, start Play on the selected item to replay the noise. When you do this, the Email button will appear. If you click on this button, you can email the selected recording to your email address.
  • It concerns me that the iPhone LCD has to stay on...
  • You should not put the iPhone into Sleep mode, but you can switch the LCD off! We are using a proximity sensor which switchesoff the LCD, when you put something on the top part of the iPhone. Running the Baby Monitor automatically enables this function.

Specific questions for Android

  • Why does Baby Monitor stop when I switch my Android to standby mode?
  • Baby Monitor & Alarm works perfectly in standby mode on Android. You are probably using some of the Task Killers - apps, that switch off background processes automatically. Please add Baby Monitor & Alarm into the apps that are never switched off in your task-killer configuration

    If this does not help or if you are not using any task killer, please contact us.

  • What are the minimum requirements for the Android phone?
  • Baby Monitor & Alarm works on any Android phone with Android version 1.6 and above. If you find any compatibility issues, please contact us, we will help you to resolve them.